Urban Land Use Planning Unit, The University of Tokyo

Department of Urban Engineering, School of Engineering

Professor Akito MURAYAMA, Assistant Professor Ryoichi NITANAI


General/Comprehensive/Master Planning, Land Use Planning, Urban Development, District Planning, Land Use and Urban Form Control, Planning Process, Sustainability Assessment, Machizukuri Digital Transformation, Information in City, Multi-Stakeholder Participation, Participation Methods and Tools


  • Associate Professor Akito Murayama promoted to Professor
    On July 1, Associate Professor Akito Murayama was promoted to Professor at School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo.  He continues to chair Urban Land Use Planning Unit in Department of Urban Engineering and to be affiliated with UTokyo Center for Climate Solutions.
    Land use and landscape planning play an important role in shaping sustainable cities and communities that are resilient to various environmental and social risks including extreme weather events, critical change to earth systems, biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse, natural resource shortages, economic downturn, population decline and hyper aging, societal polarization, infrastructure collapse, etc.  While institutions differ among countries and regions, we face similar challenges, and we can learn from research and practice of different backgrounds.  This seminar invites two distinguished guests to Urban Land Use Planning Unit, Department of Urban Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo as keynote lecturers, and… Read more: INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON SUSTAINABLE LAND USE AND LANDSCAPE PLANNING
  • Associate Prof. Manabe has moved to a new position.
    As of 1 June, Associate Prof. R. Manabe has moved to the position of a professor in the Division of Educational Digital Transformation Initiative of The Center for Research and Development of Higher Education in UTokyo.He will continue to be in charge of the graduate school and will continue to be involved in up unit as a cooperating staff.
  • Academc year 2024 has started
    List of faculty and students is updated. The recent news are posted to the facebook page.
  • Your Places Story (2022) Video
    The introductory video of “Your Places Story in 2022: How to Use Episode?“, a Bunkyo Ward-commissioned research project conducted by Associate Prof. Manabe, has been completed. In 2022, we shared many of the stories gathered through the past practices with the participants, and then created new stories by participants. This was a practice of accumulating, developing, and utilizing MONOGATRI (episodes) as one of the contents of the community archiving.

Main Research Topics

Sustainable Urban Form and Environment
in Response to Climate Change, Disasters and Aging Society

Smart Cities and Information in Urban Planning
Usage of Smart Technologies, Spatial Information and Big Data

Growth/Shrink Management & Comprehensive Planning
Development and Evaluation of Municipal Urban Master Plans and Local Ordinances

New Neighborhood Model for the Aged Community
with Elderly Care Services and Housing

Institutional Design
for Livable Environment and Regional Land Use Planning
